Professional of Research and Intercultural Communication:
Writer, translator, interpreter, and editor
Scientific articles as author
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Khanmohammad H, Mousavinasab SMH. Translation shifts in medical translation from English into Farsi. SKASE J Transl Interpret. December 2014;7(1):73-90
In simple words:
It's the article I wrote based on my master's thesis. It's about the linguistic changes that medical texts
undergo when they are translated from English into Farsi (Persian).
Nejadhussein S, Rahimian H, Mousavinasab SMH. The relationship between knowledge management and R&D performance: A case study in the auto industry. Int J Innov Tech Manag. October 2014;11(5):1450034
In simple words:
This article is based on a research about how Iran Khodro's R&D section functions regarding
knowledge management.
Ebrahimpour H, Salarzehi H, Mousavinasab SMH. Governance in Iran: Toward a sustainability governance model. Interdi J Contemp Res Bus. December 2010;2(8):193-202
In simple words:
This article discusses the required fundamentals for establishing a modern government in Iran. It is
based on the Ph.D. dissertation of Mr. Ebrahimpour in the field of public administration. I have
helped in preparing and writing the article.